The Role of Spirituality in Health Care, week 1 discussion 16 help
Question description
Please do a paragraph about this post with this instruction .
post most have 4 or more sentences .
you also have to have a high quality post from a content perspective. This means it also needs to do more than agree with or praise a class mate. If you agree with a classmate, explain why, give an example, share what you learned in the readings
One aspect of the topic readings that I find the most interesting is the role of spirituality and religion in health care. I find this topic to be the most interesting, because I feel that it is the most important area to understand in order to deliver holistic care. Nursing care has transformed over the years with a large emphasis on delivering holistic care. Holistic care involves a comprehensive care model that incorporates a patient’s physical medical condition, emotions, spirituality, religion, ethnicity, cognitive status, economic status, environment, genetics, etc. In order to delivery holistic care spiritually must be addressed, thus why the role of spirituality in health care is important and interesting to me.
According to the article, The Role of Spirituality in Health Care, “Spiritual or compassionate care involves serving the whole person—the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual” (Puchalski, 2001). Compassionate care is very important to produce positive patient outcomes. Spiritually and religion may guide one’s worldviews, influencing all their decisions they make. It is important for health care providers to incorporate spirituality into health care to promote positive relationships and health and wellness. When health care providers ignore spiritual and religious beliefs, patient’s may turn away from care delivered and refrain from participating in health promoting measures/interventions. When health care providers can incorporate patient’s spiritual values and beliefs, it can foster health and wellbeing. “Compassionate care calls physicians to walk with people in the midst of their pain, to be partners with patients rather than experts dictating information to them” (Puchalski, 2001).
This topic has a strong correlation with disease and healing. Spirituality is a strong guiding point for healing and how individual’s view disease and illness. Some individuals may turn solely towards religious and spiritual beliefs for healing rather than incorporating western medicine. Some patients may choose to incorporate both to produce the best outcomes. Regardless of the patient’s views on healing and disease, it is important that health care providers take a stance in understanding each individual’s viewpoints. Christina Puchalski stated in the article, “Cure is not possible for many illnesses, but I firmly believe that there is always room for healing. Healing can be experienced as acceptance of illness and peace with one’s life. This healing, I believe, is at its core spiritual” (Puchalski, 2001). It is essential that all health care providers complete an extensive spiritual history on all patients to gain a better understanding of their expectations of care, healing, disease/illness in order to delivery appropriate and effective care. “A spiritual history helps physicians recognize when cases need to be referred to chaplains. It opens the door to conversation about values and beliefs, uncovers coping mechanisms and support systems, reveals positive and negative spiritual coping, and provides an opportunity for compassionate care” (Puchalski, 2001).